4 Zodiac Signs That Struggle to Move On from Exes

Breaking up is hard, but for some people, it feels impossible to let go. While everyone feels sad after a breakup, some zodiac signs hold on to the past for a long time. They keep thinking about their ex, remembering the good times, and hoping things could have been different.

If you ever wondered why some people struggle to move on, their zodiac sign might be the reason! Let’s talk about the four signs that have the hardest time getting over their exes.


Cancers are very emotional and sensitive. They love deeply, and when they are in a relationship, they give their whole heart. When it ends, they feel like they lost something very special.

Even if their ex treated them badly, they still remember the good times. They keep thinking about old memories and wonder if they could get back together. Cancers love feeling safe and close to someone, so it’s hard for them to start fresh with a new person.



Taurus is one of the most loyal zodiac signs. When they love someone, they believe it will last forever. This is why they have such a hard time letting go.

Taurus people don’t like change. When a relationship ends, they feel lost and confused. They keep thinking about what went wrong and hope things will go back to the way they were.



Scorpios don’t just date for fun. They want deep, strong connections. When they love someone, they love with all their heart. But when that love is gone, they feel heartbroken and even angry.

Scorpios don’t always show their feelings. Instead, they hide their pain but think about their ex all the time. Some Scorpios may even want to get revenge or prove they are better off without their ex.



Pisces love romance and believe in fairytales. When they fall in love, they think it will last forever. That’s why breakups hit them so hard.

Instead of moving on, Pisces stay stuck in the past. They listen to sad songs, read old messages, and hope their ex will come back. They often forget why the relationship ended and only remember the happy moments.



Moving on is hard, especially for these four zodiac signs. Cancer holds on to memories, Taurus doesn’t like change, Scorpio feels things deeply, and Pisces gets lost in dreams of the past.

But breakups are not the end of love. They are a step toward something new and better. If you or someone you know is struggling, remember: love should flow freely, not be held onto like an old photograph. The right person will come at the right time, and when they do, everything will make sense.


Which zodiac sign is hardest to forget?

Scorpio, because they love deeply and leave a strong impact.

Why do Taurus people struggle to move on?

They are very loyal and don’t like change, so letting go is difficult for them.

Do Cancers ever move on?

Yes, but it takes time. They need to process their emotions before they can love again.

How can Pisces heal from a breakup?

They should focus on self-care, new hobbies, and spending time with friends to move forward.

Which zodiac sign moves on the fastest?

Sagittarius! They love adventure and see breakups as a chance for a fresh start.

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